About DrRobin

I started in Astronomy in Jan 2011 with a Skywatcher 127Mak (5" AZ Goto). For the money it was fantastic but like most things you want more and I soon wanted better pictures of planets and be able to look and photograph Deep Sky Objects (that's galaxies, nebulas and other faint fuzzies). The Mak 127 was replaced by a Skywatcher 250mm Auto-dob, later upgraded to Synscan.

This was a real workhorse, giving great views of the planets and some deep sky objects, but again I wanted to push more into deep sky photography with long exposures and the dob was going to prove too difficult to set up for auto-guiding, hence the move to an EQ6 and a Skywatcher Quattro 8". For the planets and small objects a Celestron C11 EdgeHD was purchased to minimise the number of mounts.

I live just to the west of Newcastle Upon Tyne in North East England at 55N, -1.8W (approx) and have to put up with moderate light pollution. I measured my visual limiting magnitude at 5.6. I am an electronics engineer by trade looking after design and production for a small company specialising in IP communications systems.


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