Night Sky Camera

The Night Sky Camera is designed to capture as much of the night sky as possible. I use a 1/3" CCD (Imaging Source DFK31) with a 1.5mm F1.6 lens to give (approx) 180 degress horizontal x 150 degrees vertical.

It is built in to a small dome and sits on a short pole in the garden, close to my observatory. It is at location 55N 1.9W (approx).

I use AstroVideo software to capture the images, typically using auto exposure during the day and 30 seconds during the night. I use dark frame subtraction to remove the hot pixels before ftp up to this website.

Use the links below to view the night sky with either scroll buttons or slide show modes.


Current Sky

Sky Chart

Last night - 21:00

Last night - 22:00

Last night - 23:00

Last night - 00:00

Last night - 01:00

Last night - 02:00

Last night - 03:00

Last night - 04:00

Last night - 05:00

Last night - 06:00




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